Anshai Torah Youth Scholarship Fund

Condon Tobin are proud sponsors of the 2021 Weinberg Family Golf Tournament, in June. This annual event raises money for the Anshai Torah Youth Scholarship Fund. To learn more, please click here.

2021 DBA Golf Tournament Benefiting Entrepreneurs in Community Lawyering

Condon Tobin is excited to be one of the sponsors for the Dallas Bar Association’s 2021 Golf Tournament Benefiting Entrepreneurs in Community Lawyering. The DBA’s proactive approach to assisting those in our community who have limited means to legal advice and support is at the heart of the program. To learn more, please click

Ex-Judge Joins Condon Tobin In Dallas

By J. Edward Moreno Law360 (April 7, 2021, 2:10 PM EDT) -- A former judge on a Texas appellate court recently joined Condon Tobin Sladek Thornton Nerenberg PLLC as a partner leading its appellate and special issues practice. Former Fifth Court of Appeals judge Bill Whitehill started at the Dallas-based business law firm after spending about five years...